We accept cancellations in writing at any time but your non-refundable booking fee will not be returned to you.
Early notice of a cancellation (at least 3 months prior to your booking date) will mean that any charges you’ve paid beyond the booking fee will be returned to you.
If you cancel your booking up between 3 months to 1 month before your booking date, all additional charges as well as the booking fee will not be returned to you.
That being said, in both cases, if you decide to postpone your booking and can find a suitable date that is within 12 months of your original booking date, all the funds you’ve already paid can be transferred as credit to this rescheduled date.
However, please note that if you cancel your booking less than a month from your booking date, no postponement, rescheduling, or credit will be provided.
In this case, if you opt to book with us again, it will be treated as a new booking and you will have to pay another booking fee.
You can see more details about our cancellation policies in our terms and conditions. Please get in touch with us to view this.