10 ideas to write a love letter to give on your ‘original’ wedding date

Posted By: Tara Hegerty on 14th April, 2020

Category: Blog, Weddings

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa

There is a saying “we are most alive when we are in love”. And sometimes love does funny things to us and expressing our feelings to someone you care for can make you all nervous. But we are going to share one of the most powerful love exercises you could ever do. It has to do with identifying and recognising the reasons WHY you love your partner and what makes them special and amazing. And the most profound way to tell them is in a letter. Writing a letter of love gives you the chance to take your time and use the right words to express your love, admiration for your partner. Whether you make the letter funny or romantic, your words will come from the heart. And we’ve got some tips to help you get started.

10 ideas to write a love letter to give on your 'original' wedding date - Simply Style Co

  1. Use a personalised opening

Do you have a special name who you call your partner? You might want to use it at the start to immediately catch their attention. If not, consider using words like “My dearest love” or something that is meaningful to you.

  1. Tell your partner exactly why you’re taking the time to write

A love letter is different from any other type of correspondence, so make sure you tell them the reason why you’re writing the letter. For example, you could start writing, ‘Today was our original wedding day, but instead we are spending it together at home. I want to tell you….”

  1. Detail a happy memory you two shared

During the time you’ve been together, there have been some amazing moments and incredible times.  As you are writing your letter, relive one in detail and share your thoughts, feelings and emotions of the moment with your partner. You’ll get bonus points if it’s something that they may have forgotten over time.


10 ideas to write a love letter to give on your 'original' wedding date - Simply Style Co

  1. Mention your partner’s best qualities

What makes your partner  stand out from anyone else you know? Write it down and put it in your letter. The things you appreciate most may not be the things your partner considers to be their most obvious strengths, so just speak from your heart. If you need a writing prompt, start with a partial sentence like:

  • “I appreciate you most when you…”
  • “Your greatest strength is…”
  • “The thing I think of first when you come to mind is…”

Complete the sentence with the first impression that you get. It’ll be the right one for your letter.

  1. Talk about the difference they’ve made in your life

Naturally, your life has changed for the better since you met your partner, and you’ll want to share this information in your love letter. Think of how much things have changed and how fulfilling your life is now that your special someone is part of it.

  1. Use special stationery

Since a love letter is super special and will be savoured for many years to come, you don’t necessarily want to write it on plain paper. Consider using some special paper in a favourite colour or style that will set it apart. Don’t forget an envelope, too.

10 ideas to write a love letter to give on your 'original' wedding date - Simply Style Co

  1. Scribe in your handwriting

Consider scribing the letter in your handwriting. There’s something special in receiving a handwritten note don’t you think? Not everyone has good handwriting skills, but that shouldn’t matter, its heart-warming to write in your handwriting, a rarity these days.

  1. Write your letter and let it sit for a day or two before sending

Love letters are, by definition, a highly emotional exercise. Before you send it, read what you’ve written and digest your words. If you are happy with the message, send it.

  1. Your letter doesn’t have to be perfect to be meaningful

No one is looking for perfection in a love letter. Just write what’s in your heart, and you’ll be using exactly the right language.

  1. Giving a letter will make you feel good

By making your partner feel special now, you’ll also feel extra special by letting them know how much you cant wait to marry them. Time is precious and savour the wait and embrace each others’ love.

10 ideas to write a love letter to give on your 'original' wedding date - Simply Style Co

We really feel for our brides having to put their wedding plans on hold, so by doing this little exercise we hope that it gives you some time to sit and reflect on your amazing relationship with your partner. And when you do pass on your thoughtful letter on your original wedding date perhaps deliver it with some champagne and a scrumptious cheese board to make it that extra special.

We would love to help you with any questions you might have about your upcoming wedding! You can contact our team here to get make your vision a reality or check out our wedding pinterest boards for more inspiration.

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